Analysis and Synthesis

One learns by analysis, one feels and lives by synthesis.

The higher one goes, the greater the need to synthesize.

True knowledge is to be found in synthesis.

Analysis is a descent into matter
and synthesis is an ascent toward spirit.

It is sometimes necessary to analyse details,
but synthesis is the only truly effective and fruitful approach
because only synthesis vivifies.
With analysis one limits and restricts oneself more and more.

The higher one goes, the less detail one sees,
but, at the same time, one begins to get a view of the whole
and to discern a greater variety of facts and objects.

It is synthesis that makes it possible to discover unity,
the single principle that links all things together as one
and, in this way to advance towards true knowledge.


The artist par excellence is he who takes his own flesh
as material for his sculpture,
his own face and body as a canvas on which to paint,
his own thoughts and feelings as clay to be moulded.
He wants all the beauty and harmony of creation to flow
and be expressed through his being.


You could say that the first marriage a human being
enters into is that of his ego with his physical body,
and that marriage demands absolute fidelity.

His [man's] spirit is immersed in the matter of his body
which is a microcosm of the universe,
and it is through this body he seeks to know himself.
But he will gain this knowledge only when he has worked
to render this matter so subtle and transparent that it will no longer hinder him.

The physical body is our responsibility, our property to work on, 
change and improve as much as possible. 

What we could do with the matter of our physical body 
if we gave it nothing but pure air, pure food and drink, 
pure rays of sunlight at dawn each day 
and as much beauty of colour, form and atmosphere as possible. 

 The body's true purpose and destiny is to becomes so pure, so refined, 
so immune from evil and disease as to be the perfect means of expression 
for the spirit, for the spirit to manifest Heaven on earth!


White sums up and unites all colours.
With white you have
the all-powerfulness of violet,
the peace and truth of blue,
the riches and eternal youth of green,
the wisdom and knowledge of yellow,
the health, vigour and vitality or orange
and the force, activity and dynamism of red.


When you reach the point
of no longer being torn by divergent thoughts and desires,
you will experience an extraordinary sense
of lightness and freedom, and strength and power.

Everything you desire, everything you imagine
comes true instantaneously on the subtle planes.
If you are persistent in your desires,
these realizations, which, for now, only exist the the invisible world.
will gradually descend to the physical plane.


Before you complain and rebel against trials and obstacles,
try to see them as an opportunity to rely on your own spiritual strength.

As soon as you are presented with a difficulty or ordeal
you must concentrate, reflect and pray and leave no stone unturned
until you find a solution, the energies, and above all, the light that you need.

When trouble erupts in the world or within yourself,
never seek help from below,
but make the effort to climb as high as possible and remain there at the top,
in other words,
reflect, reason and link to heaven to find peace and light.
Only in this way will you see clearly
and find the means to act and save yourselves and others too.

Encountering Darkness

To triumph over evil, we must rise above it,
we must attain the higher regions of consciousness.

Man possesses a fortress within him
which is superbly equipped to resist the aggressions of evil.
The fortress is the light of his soul and spirit.

When this darkness approaches, a true disciple defends himself.
He climbs into his fortress and projects light,
and this light dispels the darkness.


What we see is never more than the shell,
the outward appearance of things.
The essence is always invisible.


My mother has always healed simply by acting on the navel...
She says there is an essential point in the navel,
and that when it is out of place, the whole organism begins to deteriorate.
So this point must be put back in place, which is what she does.
Many times she cured me in this way when I was young.

True medicine is working with light.

Heaven and Earth

Heaven is the world of ideas
in which everything is beautiful and perfect,
and we must bring it down on earth,
that is, into our physical bodies,
to replace every particle 
with indestructible, crystal-clear, immortal particles.
That is the sublime, glorious task.

Men must understand the importance of the link,
the little piece of thread that they must fit into place,
to restore the circulation between Heaven and earth.
Then everyone would become magnificent, full of love,
and humanity would change direction.

Higher and Lower

However evolved they may be,
all human beings who incarnate on earth
bear within them the seeds of both the lower and higher worlds.

The higher you wish to rise,
the more exacting you must be of yourself.


A man's ideal determines all the rest,
for it is an active agent in his life
and produces specific results, digging deep into his being
and cleansing and organizing all the disparate elements
into a harmonious whole.
Every aspect of a person's life is arranged, fashioned, modelled and formed
int accordance with his idea.

Choose one central idea and focus all your energies on it.
Everything you do must contribute
to strengthening and sustaining this idea.

The first thing to do is to muster
all your strength, all your desires, all your passing whims even,
and put them to work to achieve a single idea.
Whatever you do, whether it be
working, eating or drinking, walking or talking, reading or writing,
everything must be aimed at the fulfillment of this one idea.

Nothing must be allowed to deflect you
from your purpose or weaken your resolve.

Examine the situation carefully
and, if you see that such and such an activity of interest
deflects you from your ideal,
abandon it.

You must learn to live with your ideal as though it were a reality,
without forgetting that you are living on earth.
It is very important to unite these two aspects of your life:
to be totally committed to your divine ideal
without losing sight of earthly reality.

Someone who is truly directed by a high ideal is never discouraged.
The mere presence within him of the high ideal
that feeds and guides him makes him happy.


Drop all things that will not transform your existence
and apply yourselves more and more to improving the way you live.

When you improve the quality of your life,
many other lives are improved as well. 
But if you fail to progress, 
know that you also hinder the evolution of a number of other beings, 
because you prevent them from discovering the path of light. 
If one day providence allowed you to see the many threads 
by which you are all woven together, and to the universe,
you would be stupefied.
And you are weaving such threads every day. 
It is therefore extremely important 
that you make constant efforts to ennoble yourselves,
to triumph over your weaknesses and reawaken the virtues 
which lie buried within you.


If you do nothing to change your faults,
there is no reason why they should not reappear
exactly as before in each incarnation.

Once you have succeeded
in overcoming certain weaknesses and acquiring certain qualities,
it is as though you have placed new stereotypes, new imprints, within yourself,
and you will return in your next reincarnation with these stereotypes,
since they are permanent.

The new physical body you enter will be modelled and fashioned
according to the degree of perfection you have reached,
for the efforts you have made to purify your subtle bodies
will even have produced changes in your physical body.
It will become more resistant,
more capable of receiving impulses from the spiritual world
and of giving concrete expression to them through all your activities.

Inner and Outer

The human being stands at the frontier
between the lower and higher worlds.

Man's consciousness must be a consciousness
of the frontier between the world above and the world below.

Life is made up of exchanges between your inner and your outer worlds
but your inner world should always comes first
because this is where you are continually immersed.

You must learn how to balance life in both the inner and outer worlds.


Knowing is a question of adjusting one's vibrations to those of another, 
of getting on to the same level, 
of getting one with the being or object one wants to know.


Life is no more than the sum of the relation
that exists between the two opposing poles,
spirit and matter, principle and form.

Life is nothing more than a ceaseless flow
of give-and-take between man and Nature.

That is what life is:
vibrations and currents that circulate throughout space.

The essential thing is life itself,
and you must protect, purify and strengthen it
and reject whatever hampers or inhibits it.

Life is fundamentally yours.
You must believe that life is yours, that it is your property.
Do not live for others, do not do things for others.
First you must live for yourself and feel for yourself,
understand for yourself, intelligently, perfectly.

Henceforth, therefore, work at
embellishing, intensifying and sanctifying your life.


Light is the quintessence of the universe;
everything we see around us,
as well as everything we cannot see,
is suffused and impregnated with light.

Light is matter in its subtlest, most tenuous form,
and what we call matter is simply
highly condensed, concentrated light.
In every zone and region of the universe, therefore,
we have the same fundamental matter - or the same light -
in varying degrees of condensation or subtlety.

Light descends from the subtle regions
toward the increasingly denser regions
until it reaches solid matter.
as it travels, it advances with more and more difficulty.

Just as a man is capable
of producing light on the physical plane,
he can also produce light within himself.

If there is one thing that should be studied,
it is the Light,
what it is, how it works, how to work with it.

Light must be your constant preoccupation.
Wherever you are, as soon as you have a free moment,
think of light.

You must put light in first place.
For light is present in all things.
when you become imbued with this truth,
your whole life will be transformed.

Every day, several times a day,
think of concentration on light,
rest in light, swim in light,
soak every particle of your being in it...
imagine the whole universe bathed in this light.

Learn to vibrate in unison with it,
to draw it into yourself,
to let it impregnate every cell of your body
and become increasingly alive within you,
and you will see that there is no power to equal that of light.

Light is a vibrating pulsating ocean of life;
you can dive into it, you can swim and purify yourself in it,
you can drink it and be nourished by it.
It is in the midst of light that you will find total fulfillment.

There is no work more noble, glorious and powerful
than working with the light.

Say, 'May all those who come here be touched by light!'

Work for light to triumph in the world.

The desire to communicate 
light, warmth and life to all creatures
will make you, yourself, more luminous, more moving and more alive.

this one word sums up and condenses every imaginable good,
all that is purest, most powerful, most beautiful and most sublime.


When rays of light fall on an object, it becomes visible.
Without this light we see nothing.
This proves that if the "invisible world" does not exist for us,
it is simply because we are unable to project the rays of light
which would allow us to see the objects and entities that exist there.
Initiates are able to see so many other things that others cannot see,
precisely because they know how to project these rays.
This is why they insist so emphatically
that we work on the light and with the light,
so that we too may learn to project these rays
which alone enable us to see the subtle realities of the spiritual world.

When we are in the presence of certain beings,
observing the expression on their face,
their look and everything that's emanating from them,
what immediately comes to mind is the word "light."
It's as if, in their heart and soul,
they are capable of distilling a subtle substance
and projecting it out in the form of light,
or as if they'd captured something of the light
diffused throughout space
and condensed it within themselves.
Their whole body seems to be made
of a translucent substance with a flame burning inside it.


The Logos belongs to the world of the spirit,
to the world of creative thought.
He who thinks, creates.
When you think, you are, as it were, speaking
and your silent work is magically effective:
it is the Logos.
The Logos, therefore, is a word that has not yet
been brought down onto the physical plane.
It exists, it is real and alive, but it remains inaudible
and manifest itself in the invisible world
as colours, forms and resonances that are intelligible to all.

The universal language is the Logos.
If you speak inwardly, with all your heart and soul,
even plants, insects and birds, the stars and the planets
will understand you because the language of the heart and soul
are universally understood in nature.


True love is a vibration of extreme subtlety,
and to be able to send out this vibration, as well as attract it,
requires a great deal of attention and vigilance.
Nothing is more important than knowing how to give and receive love.
Those who have understood this feel such fulfillment and such joy
that everything else pales beside it.

Nothing is stronger than love;
love created the world,
and all the forces of creation are subject to love.

Love is putting something
into the heart and soul of the other person -
so that person awakens and moves forward in light and joy.

Love penetrates the particles of matter,
melts them and transforms them.

To live with love is to live in a state of consciousness
which brings all aspects of your life into total harmony,
and establishes your whole being in a state of perfect equilibrium.
It is a state of awareness which is a source of joy, strength and health.

Those who have a great deal of love grow and expand;
they embrace the whole universe and vibrate in unison with it;
everything lies open before them;
there are no more barriers to hold them up;
they are in a permanent state of happiness.

When you learn to love what is good and beautiful,
and when you live with that love night and day,
no force in the universe will be capable of resisting you.

Whatever you do, do it with love...
People are always asking how they can become tireless:
the secret is to love what you do,
for it is love that awakens's man's latent energies.


This is manifestation.
The first movement is one of concentration;
the second is one of projection.
Concentration always goes before projection or radiation.
Manifestation therefore is a twofold movement:
the first is from the exterior towards the interior;
the second from the interior out towards the exterior.
The centripetal movement gathers, musters, and accumulates energies,
whereas the centrifugal movement flings them outwards.


This is what characterizes a Master:
the fact that he has acquired perfect control of himself
on the physical, astral and mental planes.
And this is why the forces of nature obey him;
this is why the spirits and even the animals, plants and stones obey him,
for he has acquired true mastery, true loyalty.

A spiritual Master is a being who has achieved total control 
of his thoughts, feelings and actions. 
Perhaps you think that that is no great achievement. In fact, it is everything. 
Mastery of one's thoughts, feelings and actions
presupposes a discipline and special methods based on great knowledge.
This knowledge concerns the structure of the human being,
the forces circulating within him,
and the relationship between his entire being
(his physical and subtle bodies)
and the different planes of the visible and invisible worlds.

Self-mastery implies that one knows the structure of the entire universe 
and the entities which inhabit it.

A spiritual Master is a being who has resolved the essential problems of life. 
He is free, his will is strong, and above all, 
he is filled with love, kindness, gentleness and light.

A true Master, in the spiritual meaning of that term,
is a being who first knows the essential truths,
not what men have written, created or taught,
but those things which are essential
in the eyes of Cosmic Intelligence.
Secondly, a Master has to have both the will and the ability
to dominate, master and control every aspect of himself.
And finally, his knowledge and self-dominance
must be used exclusively to manifest
all the qualities and virtues of selfless love.


True meditation is, first and foremost,
to rise to a higher world,
to lose oneself in wonder and admiration
and then, to reflect that wonder in oneself.

If you find it difficult to meditate,
begin by concentrating on light.

It (meditation) should give you something new,
something subtler, just one little particle, perhaps,
but a particle that vibrates in harmony with the divine world.


Once they have reached a higher degree of evolution,
certain souls, on returning to earth,
make a solemn promise before heavenly entities to accomplish a mission.
They promise to develop the faculties and virtues they already possess
in order to help and enlighten humans.
Whatever form this promise takes, it can be summarized as follows:
they promise to place their qualities and potentials
and their spiritual and material potential at the service of others.

You will say,
'But don't all souls that come to earth have a mission to fulfill?
Do some incarnate without a particular purpose?'
You have to understand that...
not all souls have achieved the same degree of evolution.
Many are still weak and inexperienced;
they come down to learn and perfect themselves.
For the moment, that is their only true mission
and that is already a great deal.


True morality is not a question
of conforming outwardly to a certain set of rules;
it is a question of getting into the habit of constantly creating
a multitude of useful, beneficial, luminous thought and feelings,
and of sending them out, day and night,
to do good to every being in the universe.

Music of the Spheres

When I meditated,
I tried to perceive the universe as an immense symphony.
One day I felt myself being transported far into space,
and suddenly I heard the entire universe singing.
No human music can compare with what I heard...
This music cannot be heard with the physical ears,
only with the soul and spirit.

Once you are really able to concentrate on light,
when you are able to perceive it as a vibrating, pulsating entity
in which all is peace and fulfillment,
you will begin to see that this light is also music,
that universal music known as the the music of the spheres,
the song of the whole universe.
At the same time you will breathe in
the waves of lovely perfumes emanating from it.

...our ability to vibrate in harmony with the universe,
to hear nature's symphony in which forests, rivers and stars all sing together.
It is this cosmic symphony which we call the music of the spheres.
In order to hear this music of the spheres we must learn to harmonize
our whole being, our every organ, all the cells of these organs,
through profound and unstinting labor.
The symphony of the universe will be revealed to you at the precise moment
that every particle of your being vibrates in unison.


Nature is  the great book in which we must do all our studying.
Gradually, as our attitude toward nature is modified, so is our destiny.
If we believe that everything in nature in inanimate,
we deprive ourselves of a certain degree of life,
but if we believe that everything in nature is alive,
then everything - the stones, plants, animals, even the stars -
will contribute to increasing the flow of life within us.
And as the flow of life in our physical body intensifies
and our spirit becomes stronger,
true, perfect Life enters into us and circulates through the solar plexus,
setting up a flow of harmonious energy.
It is only then that we reach true comprehension.
And true comprehension is in feeling.

Nature will not tolerate disharmony.

As long as you have still not consciously taken control of your life
and started to synchronize the vibrations of every particle of your being
with the vibrations of the divine world,
you will still be subject to the blind forces of nature.

Nothing is Wasted

Nothing is lost.
No good deed you do, no good word you speak, nothing.
Everything you do, however minor, produces results.
You do not believe this because you expect to see these results here,
before your eyes.
Well, this does not have to be so; they are often produced far away from you.

The efforts you make on the spiritual plane are never wasted.
Once you have succeeded in overcoming certain weaknesses
and acquiring certain qualities,
it is as though you have placed new stereotypes, new imprints, within yourself,
and you will return in your next incarnation
with these stereotypes, since they are permanent.
The new physical body you enter will also be modelled and fashioned
according to the degree of perfection you have reached,
for the efforts you will have made to purify your subtle bodies
will even produce changes in your physical body.
It will become more resistant,
more capable of receiving impulses from the spiritual world
and of giving concrete expression to them through all your activities.

Opening and Closing

Our entire life is based on these two operations,
closing and opening.

Life is a question of constant opening and closing of doors.

Man must learn when to open the door and when to keep it closed,
for unless he does he will never be pure.


You must associate with other human beings,
live with them, love them and help them,
but you must be careful not to share their weaknesses.
Give them some particles,
some rays from your heart and soul,
but without losing anything of your ideal,
that is to say, without making concessions
or compromising your spiritual principles.
Whatever happens, you must remain honest, upright and truthful
and hold staunchly and unwaveringly to your convictions,
while at the same time being flexible with other people.

You must learn therefore to behave correctly
even if others behave very badly towards you.
It is not your business to punish them.
There are laws in the universe for that.


You will never really know peace
until all the elements of your different bodies
(physical, astral, mental, Causal, Buddhic and Atmic)
have been purified and are in harmony with each other,
until the whole of your being vibrates in unison
with the loftiest spheres of the universe.

Peace, therefore, is the result of a precise understanding 
of the nature of the elements.

Deep down inside you your peace remains;
you will feel that it is always there, within you,
as still and deep as the ocean bed
that remains untroubled by the storms that rage on the surface.

There is something immense,
something immeasurably vast and unalterable about peace
for it is an acquisition of the soul and the spirit.

True peace belongs, therefore, to a very high plane.
It is an attunement, a synthesis, a harmonization
of all the elements of our being.


Nothing has greater power of penetration that the sun's rays.
Similarly, nothing has greater power of penetration
than man's thought when it is identified with sunlight.
Thought can penetrate anything and everything;
nothing can stand in its way.
Nothing can stand in its way, that is, if it is intense;
but if it is the feeble, flickering flame of a candle, or a mere flash in the pan,
all kinds of obstacles will vanquish it.

Only those who are capable of penetrating things
have the power to change them.
For example, it you want to heal a diseased organ,
you have to concentrate on it
and send rays of light into every cell, every atom and electron.
You have to flood it with vibrations of light, health and goodness.


...make all our activities and faculties converge toward one point.

This is one of the great secrets of Initiation:
to make everything converge in the same direction;
to convince all one's contradictory tendencies to pull together;
to impose one's will on them and, if need be, reduce them to slavery.
And when one has welded all those unknown, hidden energies into on,
when one has learned to launch them all together
towards one glorious, luminous, beneficial goal,
then one becomes a focal point of such intense, powerful light
that one is free to send rays of light in every direction, like the sun.


Power is inseparable from the idea of height, of a high point.

The true power of man is the power of thought.

The secret of true power lies in little things.


Purity, as I understand it,
is the beginning of everything, the foundation, the base of everything.

Everything is based on purity,
the purity of look, the purity of words,
of gestures, of thought, of feelings, of intention.

To purify yourself you must not only be cleansed
but your thoughts and feelings must be lifted to a higher plane,
you must entertain only thoughts and feelings that are pure,
that is, unselfish and impersonal.

Purity is always uncomplicated, always clear and simple,
that is, not a mixture of things that might go against its nature,
impede its functioning or disturb its harmony.

It is essential to do everything you can to purify yourself on all levels.

All his life he should work to understand purity and love purity
and try to become pure in all his actions.

The essential thing is to becomes pure,
pure as a crystal, pure as the light of the sun.

Purity is closely linked to life,
the divine Life that purifies.

Only in the divine life can purity be found.

Purity makes a man divine!


We must form the habit of vibrating, night and day,
thereby always giving to all creatures in Heaven and earth
something of ourselves,
penetrating them with our love. form the habit of always emanating
something vibrant and intense,
you become a living source, a source of love.

Everywhere and always,
whatever you touch and wherever you go,
remember to leave imprints of light and love.


When your soul leaves your body during sleep, it is not inactive;
it travels, it contemplates immensity, it communes with heavenly spirits,
and it strengthens its understanding of love, wisdom and truth.
On its return, it brings back the memory of all this wealth,
and attempts to register it in the mind.
And ever if you are not immediately conscious of this,
sooner or later you will be,
because all these great truths leave an etheric imprint on you.
This is why certain sublime truths
that have been carried for a long time in your unconscious
are sometimes communicated to you in a sudden flash.
Until this moment, you have not been ready to be conscious of them,
but suddenly there is a propitious moment
in which your mind is well disposed,
and this truth bursts forth.
If you wish these experiences to be more and more frequent,
you must be very disciplined in your life,
because when you develop the habit of working on physical body
in order to purify it and render it more sensitive,
your soul will be able to record sublime truths more easily.


Sacrifice is the transformation of one type of matter into another,
one energy into anther.
To sacrifice yourself is like being a lump of coal put on a fire.
Before going on the fire, the lump of coal is black and useless.
But as soon as it makes the sacrifice of entering the fire to feed the flames,
that lump of coal itself becomes fire, heat, light and beauty.


Silence is a quality of the inner life.

Silence is conducive to a work
of detachment, simplification and synthesis.

In man, silence is the result of harmony on the three inner planes:
physical, astral and mental.

Silence is an expression of peace, harmony and perfection.

You must learn to love silence
and you must learn to achieve silence.
Otherwise, even though you may be here physically,
your soul and spirit will always be somewhere else.

In your gestures, in your activities,
in every manifestation of your daily life,
learn to love and cultivate silence.

For a few minutes every day try to reach an inner state of silence,
a vibrant, living silence
in which your soul and spirit are free to speak to their Creator.

The main thing, once you have achieved this silence,
is to be capable of holding on to it.

The most difficult thing of all is to attain perfect inner silence
while remaining alert at the same time;
to arrest thought, to remain awake and simply to feel, without thinking.
It is a state in which feeling and understanding seem to become one.

When, at last, you succeed in achieving this silence,
a certain rhythm, a certain grace
is imperceptible communicated in everything you do.

Silence is alive and vibrant;
it speaks, it sings.

True silence is above wisdom, above music;
it is the most luminous, the most powerful,
the most beautiful of worlds;
it is the centre from which stem all creations.

Silence is the highest region, the summit of our soul
and, when we reach this region, we enter into cosmic light.


Identify with your spirit,
for the spirit is powerful, luminous, indestructible and immortal,
and by identifying with it you will begin to resemble it
and become invulnerable.

Spirit and Matter

True marriage is of that of spirit and matter.
The whole of creation arises from this union.

Matter must be spiritualized and spirit must be materialized.
Whatever you undertake,
whatever may be your profession,
whatever books you read,
whatever exercises or experiments you do,
they must all contribute to the attainment of this one goal:
the spiritualization of matter and the materialization of spirit.

Spiritual Life

The most gifted people in the world are successful
only because they have practised several hours a day,
every day, often since childhood,
in order to develop their talents.
Work and work alone brings results,
and this is even truer for the spiritual life than for all other realms.
Because the spiritual life is inseparable from the whole of existence.

Consider a musician, for example:
even though he is a genius, music does not take up his whole life.
He can cultivate his gifts,
while at the same time succumbing habitually
to uncontrolled passions and leading a chaotic, unbalanced life.
The same applies to writers, painters, and so on.
It is thus easier to cultivate a gift,
whatever it may be, than to tackle our psychic weaknesses and faults.
It is because the spiritual life requires constant work, day and night,
that there are so few candidates!

The secret of spiritual life
is to climb as high as you can and stay there.


Do you want to know what true spirituality is?
Open the book of nature;
that's what will tell you most clearly.
When winter arrives,
the earth is less exposed to the sun and nothing grows.
The rivers are frozen.
Life's in slow motion.
But in spring, when the earth remains exposed
to the sun's light and warmth for longer,
everything grows, everything becomes beautiful, rich, abundant,
life circulates everywhere.
Well, spirituality can be compared to the action of the sun on the earth.
When our spirit begins to radiate,
to penetrate all the cells of our organism with its love and light
so as to harmonize them and make them sing in unison,
then, yes, we are truly living a spiritual life.
True spirituality is the sun acting on the earth,
the sun vivifying and animating our body
until light, peace and plenitude come to inhabit it.


Those who know the power of speech,
take care never to say any negative words.

The power of speech is not only in words
but in the vibration of the voice.

We write with a pen, but also with our tongue.
Our every word is addressed not only to human beings
but to all entities living in nature.
Regardless of who you are addressing,
you should try to speak with a golden tongue.

True evolution consists in learning to make use of words,
either spoken or written, with a divine end in mind,
in other words to use elements of the Word,
solely to create what is right, good and beautiful.


The language of the sun is universal
and can be understood by all creatures.
It is the language of light, heat and life.

Only the sun can give us life, light and fire.

Noble, great and pure creatures can be found throughout history,
but none can compare to the sun for its light, love and generosity.

Nothing can compare with the sun.
If you take it as your role-model,
your intellect will be filled with light,
your heart with its warmth,
and your mind with its power.
And, above all, like the sun, you will know how to be generous.

Think of the sun day and night,
because by thinking of him
you are in touch with a world of power, purity and light.
When you think of the sun are you raising yourself up,
you are becoming nobler, more magnanimous, more indulgent and generous.
The sun gives, strengthens and vivifies without ceasing,
and we must imitate him in this. luminous, warm and enlivening the sun is;
how beautiful and pure it is,
how noble, powerful and generous,
and how it represents all glory
and every quality and virtue.

When we focus our attention on the sun, the centre of our universe,
we draw close to our own centre, our higher self, the sun within;
we melt into it and begin to resemble it more and more.

Since the sun represents the spirit in you, when looking at it,
force yourself to rise to those regions within you
where you feel that nothing can you touch you.
Because it is only from here that, whatever happens to you,
you can continue to send out your light and your love.

The light of the sun is a living spirit.

Establish a bond between yourself and the sun;
a bond which is like a circle of magic,
a current, a salutary tide of perfection and illumination.

Never let a day go by
without a moment of conscious communication with the sun.

Look at everything through the eyes of the sun,
measure everything with the yardstick of the sun,
feel things as the sun feels them.

By linking ourselves to the sun,
which is true fire, by contemplating it,
we can gradually change the vibrations of our being
until we feel that we have become one with the sun.

You are waiting for the first rays at sunrise.
You are watchful and attentive and when the first ray appears,
you imagine that you are absorbing it into yourself.
You start to drink the sun.
Instead of just looking at it and breathing it, you drink it and eat it,
and imagine that this living light
is spreading throughout all the cells of your organs,
purifying, strengthening and invigorating them.
This exercise will help you concentrate and the results will be fantastic.
You will feel your whole being vibrating as it absorbs the light.


Where do symbols come from?
Their origins lie in the relationship
 between the universal Soul and our unconscious.
When we perceive these connections, we give them concrete form.
Symbols are explained by the fact
that the same laws govern both creation and creatures:
this being the case, we can intuitively discover
the similarities between the different worlds. 
However, there is something else you must clearly understand: 
symbolic language is an expression of our life at its most profound, 
and if we are to understand the symbols which initiatic Science 
or certain works of art present to us, we must live them. 
If we do not live what a symbol represents, we will never understand it,
even it someone gives us an interpretation.
We must enter the depths of our being and bring these symbols to life
if we wish to understand their meaning.

The world of symbols it a living world.
Just as the seed contains the potential of the whole tree,
the symbol synthesizes the entire realm of knowledge.
If you were to pose the question:
"But what is the use of a symbol?"
I would ask you "And what is the use of a seed?"
By working with ten or so symbols, you possess knowledge in is entirety.
It is impossible to carry all the books of humanity everywhere you go,
but with a few symbols in your head, it becomes possible,
because all books are summarized in a few symbols.
But in order to discover these symbols and understand their contents,
you must not think of them as abstractions:
you must live them.


You are yourself a living temple,
and you should keep this temple clean and pure.

Day and night he will be purifying his temple.

Each day you must be in your own temple
and never leave it except to go from time to time
into the great temple of Nature.


What does mental work actually consist of?
A subtle form of matter exists within and around us
which has not yet been given a form.
It is this matter that can be fashioned by thought,
and our role is to be creators
in this world of beauty, harmony and light
by using this subtle matter as a sculptor uses modelling clay.

All thoughts of the same nature come together
and are reinforced and enhanced by each other.