
You will never really know peace
until all the elements of your different bodies
(physical, astral, mental, Causal, Buddhic and Atmic)
have been purified and are in harmony with each other,
until the whole of your being vibrates in unison
with the loftiest spheres of the universe.

Peace, therefore, is the result of a precise understanding 
of the nature of the elements.

Deep down inside you your peace remains;
you will feel that it is always there, within you,
as still and deep as the ocean bed
that remains untroubled by the storms that rage on the surface.

There is something immense,
something immeasurably vast and unalterable about peace
for it is an acquisition of the soul and the spirit.

True peace belongs, therefore, to a very high plane.
It is an attunement, a synthesis, a harmonization
of all the elements of our being.