Silence is a quality of the inner life.
Silence is conducive to a work
of detachment, simplification and synthesis.
In man, silence is the result of harmony on the three inner planes:
physical, astral and mental.
Silence is an expression of peace, harmony and perfection.
You must learn to love silence
and you must learn to achieve silence.
Otherwise, even though you may be here physically,
your soul and spirit will always be somewhere else.
In your gestures, in your activities,
in every manifestation of your daily life,
learn to love and cultivate silence.
For a few minutes every day try to reach an inner state of silence,
a vibrant, living silence
in which your soul and spirit are free to speak to their Creator.
The main thing, once you have achieved this silence,
is to be capable of holding on to it.
The most difficult thing of all is to attain perfect inner silence
while remaining alert at the same time;
to arrest thought, to remain awake and simply to feel, without thinking.
It is a state in which feeling and understanding seem to become one.
When, at last, you succeed in achieving this silence,
a certain rhythm, a certain grace
is imperceptible communicated in everything you do.
Silence is alive and vibrant;
it speaks, it sings.
True silence is above wisdom, above music;
it is the most luminous, the most powerful,
the most beautiful of worlds;
it is the centre from which stem all creations.
Silence is the highest region, the summit of our soul
and, when we reach this region, we enter into cosmic light.