
You could say that the first marriage a human being
enters into is that of his ego with his physical body,
and that marriage demands absolute fidelity.

His [man's] spirit is immersed in the matter of his body
which is a microcosm of the universe,
and it is through this body he seeks to know himself.
But he will gain this knowledge only when he has worked
to render this matter so subtle and transparent that it will no longer hinder him.

The physical body is our responsibility, our property to work on, 
change and improve as much as possible. 

What we could do with the matter of our physical body 
if we gave it nothing but pure air, pure food and drink, 
pure rays of sunlight at dawn each day 
and as much beauty of colour, form and atmosphere as possible. 

 The body's true purpose and destiny is to becomes so pure, so refined, 
so immune from evil and disease as to be the perfect means of expression 
for the spirit, for the spirit to manifest Heaven on earth!