True love is a vibration of extreme subtlety,
and to be able to send out this vibration, as well as attract it,
requires a great deal of attention and vigilance.
Nothing is more important than knowing how to give and receive love.
Those who have understood this feel such fulfillment and such joy
that everything else pales beside it.
Nothing is stronger than love;
love created the world,
and all the forces of creation are subject to love.
Love is putting something
into the heart and soul of the other person -
so that person awakens and moves forward in light and joy.
Love penetrates the particles of matter,
melts them and transforms them.
To live with love is to live in a state of consciousness
which brings all aspects of your life into total harmony,
and establishes your whole being in a state of perfect equilibrium.
It is a state of awareness which is a source of joy, strength and health.
Those who have a great deal of love grow and expand;
they embrace the whole universe and vibrate in unison with it;
everything lies open before them;
there are no more barriers to hold them up;
they are in a permanent state of happiness.
When you learn to love what is good and beautiful,
and when you live with that love night and day,
no force in the universe will be capable of resisting you.
Whatever you do, do it with love...
People are always asking how they can become tireless:
the secret is to love what you do,
for it is love that awakens's man's latent energies.