Nothing is lost.
No good deed you do, no good word you speak, nothing.
Everything you do, however minor, produces results.
You do not believe this because you expect to see these results here,
before your eyes.
Well, this does not have to be so; they are often produced far away from you.
The efforts you make on the spiritual plane are never wasted.
Once you have succeeded in overcoming certain weaknesses
and acquiring certain qualities,
it is as though you have placed new stereotypes, new imprints, within yourself,
and you will return in your next incarnation
with these stereotypes, since they are permanent.
The new physical body you enter will also be modelled and fashioned
according to the degree of perfection you have reached,
for the efforts you will have made to purify your subtle bodies
will even produce changes in your physical body.
It will become more resistant,
more capable of receiving impulses from the spiritual world
and of giving concrete expression to them through all your activities.